
Wooden hookahs were considered premium handcrafeted hookahs back in the days when every hookah was Khaliil Mamoon. Back in 2015 a small company that comes from Poland, decided that Hookahs and wood is a great combination and called their product Wookah. Ever since that time the company is growing and expanding the variants of their hookahs. One thing is still unchanged though, it is their signature design

It all started with local woods in Poland. Then the company decided to travel around the world and pick the most exclusive woods to make hookahs. Apart from wood Wookah uses stainless steel, natural leather, lead-free crystal glass, glass and ceramic. All the glue and polishing materials are of premium quality that would make your wookah last as long as possible. Another cool thing is that you can contact Wookah and ask them to customize the hookah the way you want it to be.

Our introduction to Wookah dates back to 2016 when Mojo Hookah lounge opened its doors. We first got the whole wooden model that uses combined wood as a base instead of a traditional glass base. It was all good, until it was no more. Water and wood rarely make friends. Our first Wookah’s base absorbed some of the water and expanded, eventually it has developed a little crack that was successfully glued. So our advice get the regular version with glass base. The glass bases look gorgeous, and complement the wooden look of the stem.

Early iterations of Wookah’s used grommets to connect the purge valve and the hose. Unfortunately the hose was a little too thick for the grommet to hold it in it’s position and it constantly came undone. This is quite an annoying accident, since the tip of the hose is metal and when it hits the hard surface it is prone to scratch and dents. People around the world complained about this fact. Competition also realized that this was a huge issue and moved to a more innovative ways to attach the hose and purge valve. We have seen companies such as MattPear, Hi-Tech club implemented innovative ways of attaching hoses. To be fair, Wookah has revised the formula for attaching the hoses and implemented the revised way of attaching the hose. This improvement was much needed as the only flaw was the hose placement.  With the improvement Wookah is now a good option, although it is on the more expensive side. For that price range we would recommend MattPier hookah which is a great option.

Overall, with much needed revision, and improvements over the course of the company’s life, the products from this company got only better. If you have a budget to spend on a high end hookah, and want the unique design, Wookah is the option you should consider.

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