Tobacco free hookah flavors

Recently, tobacco free flavors for hookah got new traction due to the fact that there are a lot more conscious hookah smokers. Tobacco free hookah does not contain tobacco and everything that comes when using tobacco. On top of that it is cheaper to produced, which means that usually it is cheaper than traditional packs of hookah tobacco. Let’s talk about some of the options that are available for consumers on the market.

We will start off with Al Sur. Al Sur is totally tobacco and nicotine free. This brand uses beets as the substitution for the tobacco, but uses same molasses as traditional hookah tobacco. Flavors and everything else are, essentially, the same. Now, you will not get the buzz from this hookah brand, but it is pretty flavorful and light, perfect for people that have never tried hookahs before. 

Other good option for tobacco substitution is tea leafs. These are usually made with some liquid nicotine, but I am pretty sure there are options that use no nicotine at all. One key advantage of tea based hookah mix is that it is herbal, so flavors have a little spice and since they use liquid nicotine, often times you barely can notice the difference. One good brand that have little nicotine is Split. Strength wise we would compare this to Fumari flavors since they are pretty light. On the medium strength side, we have Blaze flavors. They are a good substitution to the traditional hookah tobacco and have great flavors. On top of that they all come with a little pack of booster to add some coolness to the flavor.

So these are some options that we have come across, I am sure there are plenty more options out there. So if you have any suggestions let us know.

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