What hookah tobacco is made of

Not a lot of people wonder hat hookah is made of. We are talking about the part that you pack. Some call it tobacco, some call it mixture. But what it really is? Traditionally hookah tobacco is made with the use of tobacco, but recently a lot of brands released their non tobacco versions of the flavors. Today we are going to go over the ingredients that’s are used to bring you the hookah sessions.

First, and main ingredient of hookah mix is still Tobacco leaf. There are different types depending on the strength of the leaf. Commonly used types of tobacco leafs are Virginia, Burley and Oriental. Burley tobacco is the strongest of the bunch and has higher buzz level. This type of tobacco is used to bake Tangiers hookah flavors.

Second ingredient that is used to make the hookah flavors is Molasses. Molasses is the syrup that you see whenever you open the pack of fresh tobacco. This syrup has glycerine, sweeteners, and conservatives. Plainly speaking, you hookah sessions is more of a evaporation of the Molasses as opposed to the burning of the tobacco leaf. Glycerine evaporates and gives a lot of clouds when evaporated. This is the reason why hookahs have a lot of clouds.

These are just two ingredients you will need to make hookah. Of course to achieve different flavors, you’ll have to add different flavorings, these are commonly used in food preparation and can be bought at any convenience store. As opposed to cigarettes that have more than 800 chemicals in each cigarette, hookah tobacco is cleaner and has only organic ingredients. You can definitely make your own hookah tobacco mixing these ingredients at home.

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