Hookah vs traditional cigarettes

Now, we do not claim to be doctors or experts in smoking related deceases, but over the last 5 years we have faced a heavy propaganda towards the things that do not make clear sense. As some of you might know, California is trying to ban hookahs and all smoking related products, except cigarettes and marijuana.

For a person that do not smoke cigarettes nor marijuana, this is odd and do not make a lot of sense. Vaping products have been introduced not that while ago as an alternative to harmful cigarettes. Cigarette sales went down, big tobacco lost money, now vapes are under the threat of a ban.

Hookahs have been around longer that cigarettes and people around the world enjoy them. Big tobacco does not want it to be this way, so hookahs are now under a threat of being banned in California. What is more odd, is that you can vote when you turn 18, drive a car when you turn 16, but enjoy hookah only when you become 21. To be fair, you can only buy cigarettes when you are 21 as well.

Once again, we are not professional researchers here, and some of the information might not be 100% lab proven, but there are some fundamental differences between cigarettes and hookah.

Hookah uses tobacco that has been treated and soaked in special juices that has flavor. Thus, the process of smoking hookah is not burning the tobacco, it is evaporation of the juices that are mixed with tobacco. Properly packed bowl never burns the tobacco. Cigarettes on the other hand, involve direct inhale of a burning product. basically speaking, hookah heats the juice and evaporates it, cigarettes are burning the tobacco and you inhale it. 

Evaporated fumes then go through water to cool it down. Some argue that this process filters the nicotine, we have not found any proof of that but it makes sense. Cigarettes use filters on the tip of the cigarettes which has the filter that supposed to filter out the unwanted chemicals.

Fundamentally, hookah sessions and cigarette smokes are two different things. One burns the tobacco, the other heats it and then cools the fumes down via water filtration. We can argue that hookahs are less harmful than cigarettes based on our experience. On top of that hookah sessions are much more pleasant and sociable experience. The other thing about hookahs is the community and brands that are concerned about the quality of the product. Lastly the perception of a hookah session is much  better than a cigarette smoking. With all that being said, we do not think that hookahs must be banned and classified as a standard tobacco products. It is cultural, and different experience as compared to cigarette smoking.

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