We are in the middle of 2021. COVID year just passed and people adjusting to new normal still. Good news is that we are somehow, getting out lives back to the normal flow that we were in before 2020. We can all agree that last year made us rethink a lot of our life aspects and companies, as well as we are, adjusting to the new trends. Today we want to share some of the trends that hookah industry is picking up for 2021.
2021 promises to be interesting for hookah industry. Our lives have changed and we are more than ready to adopt the new changes. Due to the closure of most hookah spots we see a trend for in home hookah sessions. This brings us the idea of portable hookahs that are perfect fit for individual hookah sessions at home.
For portable hookahs we have seen some of the great examples on the market. As usual, Russian hookah makers are at the peak of their creativity and companies such as Hoob, Alpha, and Pizduk (actual hookah name) bring us various hookahs. Hoob storms the market with their subAtom hookah which has an ion interesting form factor and shape. Alpha Hookah released their mini version of beloved Alpha X with vertical purge valve. Our personal favorite, MattPear, released Mini version of their flagman last year but we see a spike in demand for that model right now.
Flavor makers realized that people are enjoying their hookahs at home. Unfortunately, mastering mixology of hookah flavors is an art that takes time to master. By the way, stay tuned for our list of favorite hookah mixes this year so far. Flavor makers such as Darkside came out with the new line of premixed flavors that are perfectly mixed and balanced. Darkiside “Shot” line brings various flavor mixes that are good on their own. Feel free to mix those, but we believe that would be an overkill. We believe a lot of other companies would follow the trend and will come out with their own premixed lines of flavors.
Hookah market became so over saturated pre 2020 so the new trend for companies is to make new merchandise and accessories for hookahs. Companies such as NJN Hookah came out with their own design of artsy tongs/pokers. Avanti introduced a new form for heat management system in a form of a medallion. It looks awesome by the way. Just look it up, we promise you will not regret it.
So these are some trends that we have seen so far for 2021. We hope that all of these trends would live up to their hype and market would grow and diversify with new companies and innovators