What tobacco is the best for me?
In the industry that has more than 1000 different flavors from various brands it is easy to get lost and distracted. This post would give a little insight on the main players in the industry and hopefully answer the question on what brand of tobacco is the best for you.
For the purpose of simplification of this process we will discuss brands such as Al Fakher, Nakhla, Starbuzz, Fumari, Serbetli, Tangiers, and Lavoo. All of these brands are unique and offer various flavors for everyone.
We will start this conversation with a classic brands such as Al Fakher and Nakhla. These 2 brands are the oldest players in the industry with wide variety of flavors. The beauty of these 2 brands is that they offer simple yet saturated flavors. If you are in to classic flavors such as “White Grape”, “Double Apple”, “Peach”, etc. these 2 brands are perfect. If you go with these 2 brands for your first hookah, you will end up liking the experience due to its mildness when it comes to strength, and pronounced flavors. Some of the flavors are hit or miss, but if you stick to fruity flavors you should be all fine. I should point out that Nakha is a stronger tobacco due to the proportion of tobacco to flavor additives. If you want a stronger buzz while sticking to simple flavors Nakhla Tobacco should be your first choice.
Next up we have 2 American brands that are well known around the world. These brands are Fumari and Starbuzz. They both originate out of USA so quality of the tobacco is superb and consistent. These 2 brands offer vide selection of sophisticated flavors and mix good among each other. Starbuzz would give you less smoke and less heat resistance among 2 brands. Best flavors from Starbuzz are Blue Mist, Citrus Mist, and Safari Melon Dew. By the way, these 3 flavors mix good with each other and give pleasant light hookah experience. Fumari has interesting flavors that range from dessert flavors to fruity and minty flavors. If you are sophisticated smoker who strive for perfect balance of flavor and smokiness, Fumari is a perfect way to enjoy hookah.
Tangiers and Lavoo are 2 another brands that originate out of USA. These 2 brands have special place in our hearts since the strength of these to tobaccos are higher than usual and gives a strong buzz. As far as we know, Tangiers and Lavoo use Burley tobacco which is stronger than Virginia tobacco. Their special way of processing tobacco leaves give that strength to the tobacco. While trying these 2 brands keep in mind that they are strong. Like SUPERSTRONG. If you do not have extensive experience in hookah, stay away from these brands as you really have to maintain the right temperature while smoking the hookah. In case if you are interested about heat management while smoking, refer to one of the videos that we have on our YouTube channel. (Have you subscribed yet? What are you waiting for?) We really love Cactus, Cane Mint, Pink Grapefruit from Tangiers. Lavoo has an interesting flavor which is Tangy Berry. Mix this flavor with Icebreaker and you will be golden! Side note, Tangiers has wide variety of subcategories of the flavors. Burley, Berquq are lighter flavors, while Noir and F Line are the strongest offerings from Tangiers, so be careful while picking up flavors. Lavoo Has two series of flavors which is divided on white and black lines. Black line would be stronger offering.
Last but not least in our list is the brand called Serbetli. This brand originates in Turkey and offer very well balanced mix of smokiness, strength, and heat resistance. Best of all it is cheaper than average price for tobacco and has multiple hit flavors. While trying Serbetli any flavor that has Ice in its name is superb! Offerings such as Jelibom, Istanbul Nights has unique taste that leaves you craving for more. You probably guessed our favorite from the selection. Yes we prefer Serbetli due to its balanced mix of flavors and smokiness. We encourage you to try these flavors at our hookah lounge next time you are in Los Angeles.
The flavors that we mentioned are small fraction of what hookah industry has up its sleeves. There is constant flow of new flavors and brands that emerge in the industry. All of the brands have their own unique ways of delivering joy while smoking so don’t be held back from trying them all. If you find a perfect brand that needs more credit, let us know so we can start serving it at our hookah lounge! We are always happy to hear your feedback!