Must Have vs Duft. Which is better? In recent years the hookah culture has been on a rapid track of innovations and new names in the industry. There are more and more brands of flavors for us to choose. However, the leaders in the industry are still unchanged. Today we are going to talk about 2 mammoths of the industry: Must Have and Duft.
All undoubtedly agree that these 2 brands of tobacco are perfect blends of joy for any hookah sessions. We are going to compare these 2 brands and make find something that differentiates one from another. But let us tell you know, either of the options is great and you’ll definitely love them.
Let’s start with Duft. Duft has been in the market since 2017 and quickly got their initial feedback from the industry and now their flavors are complete with different options. They use Burley and Virginia tobacco mixed with flavorings from England and Germany that are really high quality. THe cut is relatively small and consistent. It is easy to work with. As per manufacturer, the strength of the flavors is higher than medium. It suffice the strength for any hookah enthusiast even those who constantly get Tangiers flavors. The flavor and smoke output is great. There are 3 lines of flavors: All-in, which is a premixed set of flavors, Checkmate, that consists of 64 exclusive flavors, Pheramone, the line is created specifically for female, flavors are pretty light and pleasant.
There is a flexibility when it comes to mixing these flavors, they go well with any tobacco and any flavor.
Must Have has been in the market since 2017. Surprisingly, the company got the flavors right from the first time and quickly started to expand their line of flavors. As a base, Must Have uses Burley that originates from Argentine, Spain, Malawi, Italy and America. Burley gives a strong hookah sensation and they do not use any nicotine boosters as some other brands do. The leafs are cut nice and evenly, it is easy to work with, the flavorings are the most natural that you can get in the industry. In generalMust Have hired a great team of flavoring mixers and R&D department really did their homework. They are mostly single flavor variants that you can mix and match easily. On top of this, these flavors are budget friendly and are readily available throughout Europe, (We hope that US carriers bring these flavors to their stores someday).
Concluding the facts, it boils down to the personal preference of an individual when it comes to which brand they should go with. Some do not want to fiddle with mixing the flavors and will go with Duft, others might want to create unique experiences and should gravitate towards Must Have. Another thing to consider is the strength of the hookah. If one likes more of a strong hookah, They should try Duft, for the lovers of medium strength hookah, Must have would be perfect.
What brand of tobacco would you like to try next?